APR Success Story

Mother Changed Her Mind After Taking Abortion Pill and Saved Her Baby’s Life

A Colorado mother cried as she remembered how her heart broke when she swallowed abortion pills to end her unborn son’s life.

“I never wanted to take them from the moment I found out about my baby. I loved him with all of my heart. I just thought that him not being with me was the best possible outcome for him,” she told EWTN News In Depth.

Immediately, however, she realized she was wrong and decided to contact a pro-life organization about the abortion pill reversal procedure. The medical treatment worked, and today the Colorado mom has a beautiful little boy.

Speaking with EWTN, she said she became pregnant out of wedlock and everyone around told her that she couldn’t raise a child.

“I would be doing this alone, and I didn’t know mentally, financially, emotionally how I was supposed to take care of another person,” she said, choking back tears.

The woman made an appointment at an abortion facility and received abortion pills to end her unborn baby’s life. However, after taking the first of two drugs, mifepristone, she said her “heart broke” and she knew right away that she did not want her baby to die.

Connecting with the pro-life organization, the Colorado mom said she soon was set up with an appointment with a doctor in her area who provides the abortion pill reversal treatment.

The life-saving treatment works by counteracting mifepristone, the first of two drugs typically taken to abort and then expel the unborn baby. Mifepristone makes the uterus inhospitable to new life by blocking the hormone progesterone. The reversal procedure involves giving the mother progesterone, a natural pregnancy hormone, to counteract the abortion drug. It does not work after the mother takes the second drug, misoprostol, one or two days later.

According to the American Association of Pro-Life OB-GYNs, the treatment is very similarly to a hormonal treatment that has been used for years to help prevent miscarriages.

In the Colorado mom’s case, she experienced such joy when she found out that her unborn baby was still alive. When she got to hear his heartbeat, she said it was “the most beautiful sound in the whole world.”

She told EWTN that God worked good through the situation.

“It was unplanned to me, but it wasn’t unplanned to Him,” she said. “… Having a child out of wedlock, I understand that’s a sin, but God turned my sin into something so beautiful. And only He can do that.”

To other pregnant women considering abortion, she added: “You can do this. You are loved. Your baby is loved. And there are people in this world who want you and want your baby. You have to find those people. I found those people.”

However, the abortion pill reversal option soon may be blocked to Colorado women.

In March, Colorado Senate Democrats passed Senate Bill 190, which would censor pregnancy resource centers and deny women the choice of the life-saving abortion pill reversal treatment. The bill claims the abortion pill reversal treatment is “unprofessional conduct” even though studies show it is safe and effective, saving at least 4,000 babies’ lives.

One study found that nearly 70 percent of women who underwent the treatment were able to reverse the effects of the abortion drug and save their babies’ lives. The study did not find any increased risks of complications or birth defects.

State pro-life leaders, including the Colorado Catholic Conference, are urging voters to contact their lawmakers and demand that they reject the bill.

“If enacted, this bill would 1) Ban the abortion pill reversal (APR) treatment and 2) Ban advertising of pregnancy resource centers,” according to the conference. “Aside from having serious constitutional concerns, this bill would eliminate a woman’s choice to sustain her pregnancy and save her child’s life through abortion pill reversal treatment and restrict the good work of pregnancy resource centers for our community.”

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