
Welcome to our download page!
We are excited to offer you a collection of handouts and brochures that you can use to spread the word about abortion pill reversal. These informative materials are designed to make it easy for you to educate others and encourage them to take action. With these handouts, you'll be equipped to educate others, raise awareness, and make a difference in your community. So don't wait – download your free handouts today and start spreading the word!

Tri-fold Brochure

APR trifold brochure

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APR 4-Page Brochure


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Jesus said, "...whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 5:19

“When I turned around, there it was in the sac and everything. I broke open the sac and held the helpless little baby in my hand. I cried and felt like I had just murdered someone so innocent. I regretted it 100% after that night.”

Christina – Live Action

“I am pro-life for the most essential reason: That’s a baby in there, a human child.”

Peggy Noonan

“We must do everything possible in a human sense to defend life and restore legal protection to the unborn.”

Knights of Columbus

“I have always valued human life. I believe that God has a plan for all of us and that babies are a blessing and should be cherished.” 

Amy Berz, RN

"Abortion is the worst human rights atrocity in history."

Shawn Carney

“The idea of abortion as ‘the right to choose’, the choice they’re talking about is that — something so barbaric. They choose this barbarity. There’s a lot of reasons why, and they’re all horrible.”

Rosanna Barr

“As we are taught by Jesus, human life is sacred. God calls us to defend and nurture life from the moment a new human being is conceived.” 

Arch. Timothy Broglio, President, USCCB                                                                                                  

“Every child, born and unborn, is a sacred gift from God.” 

President Trump

“Our waterways continue to be tainted with human remains of babies & traces of these dangerous chemicals (Chemical Abortion Pills)– all while wastewater treatment plants aren’t treating for them!” 

Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life

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