The APR Advisory Board

The APR Advisory Board is a group of passionate, committed people from disparate professions and ministries. They promote the culture of life in their spheres of influence and social environment. We are grateful to work alongside and with them.

Carole, MD

Medical Advisor
Conducting a Research Project studying the effects of the abortion pill.
  • Pediatrician
  • Physician 
  • Volunteer Medical Director of a PRC

Dale BSc, MA

Technical Advisor
Knights of Columbus Culture of Life Programs
Professional experience:
  • Director of Management Information Services
  • Regional and nationwide commercial medical clinical laboratories
  • Programming, systems staff, and management information technology
Master of Arts - Organizational Management
Associate - Art of Data Analysis and Processing.

Daniel BSEE, MBA

Financial Advisor and Treasurer
Knights of Columbus:
  • Past Grand Knight
  • Financial Secretary
Licensed to execute raffles and sweepstakes by AG.
Treasurer Middle School.
Pole Vault coach.
Midwest Regional Sales Manager.
VP, Sales, and Marketing, large U.S. Corporation.
Founder of Advanced Medical Technology Company.

David Cortens

Knights of Columbus:
  • Honorary Member
  • Past Chairman - Ultrasound, APR, and PRC Support Committees, 2009-22
  • Founder APR INITIATIVE, INC. 2021

Debbie BSc, RN

APR Nurse Manager
  • Pregnancy Resource Center Coordinator
  • Set up the Physician APR team
  • Trains nurses to take calls about Reverse Medication.
  • Nurse Sonographer
  • Member - Association of Catholic Nurses
  • Chairperson Medication Support
  • Leader 40 Days for Life


Founder and President, 4us
Knights of Columbus
Organizes yearly drive to raise funds for donating Ultrasound Machines to:
  • Assist Knights of Columbus in funding Ultrasounds
  • Pregnancy Resource Centers throughout the United States
  • 4us funds more than 15 Ultrasounds a year

Dr. P. J. Baggot, M.D.

Dr. Baggot is a nationally recognized OB/GYN
  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine
  • Evaluation of prenatal nutritional supplements for Down Syndrome babies
  • Accepts referrals of difficult pregnancies from OB/GYNs in the U.S.
  • Medical Genetics Medicine
Expert in the analysis and evaluation of Ultrasound images
One of the developers and experts of Abortion Pill Reversal procedures
  • Accepts referrals from Heartbeat
  • Provides free treatment
  • Saves 50+ babies a year
  • Consults on treatments across the U.S.
Located in central Los Angeles
  • In the neighborhood of 10 abortion locations
  • In the center of 5 Pregnancy Resource Centers
Provides free ultrasounds and medical advice to 10 Pregnancy Resource Centers


Advisory Board
Knight of Columbus
A board member - Pregnancy Resource Center
Provides the Digital Targeting for PRCs that target women considering abortion and direct them to a PRC for a free Ultrasound
Designed a targeting system for Heartbeat International that confirmed a 143% increase in traffic to their APR Hotline
Created site of 1250+ U.S.PRCs that provide free ultrasounds
Frank is committed to the advancement of digitally targeting the abortion-minded and influencing their decisions in an effort to save more lives.
An advocate for conservative and pro-life issues


Tech Support & Training
Knight of Columbus
Member, 4th Degree
Grand Knight
Financial Secretary
Graduated from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and retired with the rank of Commander
Kairos Prison Ministry International (KPMI):
  • On Retreat Teams inside the California Medical Facility (CMF) at Vacaville
  • Various positions at the local, State, and National level
  • Chairperson of the Board of Directors
  • A member of a team to streamline and standardize the KPMI financial system. Assisted in the creation of proprietary software for the ministry
  • Provides tech support and training for the software
St. Vincent de Paul Society. Home Visit Team Leader.
Language: English

Mauricio, BA, MPA

Advisory Board
Research Assistant California University:
  • Intern International Justice Mission
  • Public Policy Fellow Archer Center
  • Grants Specialist, The Children’s Clinic
Pregnancy Medical Clinic
  • Chief Operations Officer
  • Supported National Expansion
  • Obtained AAAHC accreditation
  • Managed a $10 Million Grant portfolio
    o   Title X Family Planning
    o   Title V Sexual Risk Avoidance Education
    o   Teen Pregnancy Prevention
  • Developed and Designed Grant proposals
Langue: English, Spanish

Melisa, MA

International Development Executive
Executive Leadership
  • Advocacy and policy leadership
  • Catalyzing government change
  • Defending the human rights of unborn children
  • International, National, and Local Focus, 37 Countries
    o   Nonprofit management
    o   Humanitarian systems
Child Fund International
World Vision International
  • Tearfund
  • Family to Family
The World Bank
Executive Director, Pregnancy Health Organization (501c3)
  • Empowers women facing a pregnancy decision with:
    o   Education
    o   No-cost medical services, and support
    o   Resources needed to welcome life
    o   Equip youth and families with leadership development
  • Created foundational strategic operations
  • Secured federal Grant to expand secondary to primary prevention
    o Teach abstinence
    o Explaining healthy relationships to high school students
  • Master of Arts in Theology
  • Bachelor of Arts in French (Honors)
  • Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT), Certificate
Advocacy & Policy Influencing, Certificate
Project Cycle Management, Certificate
Language: English, French, Russian, Spanish, Kyrgyz


President and Executive Director Pro-life Organization
Member of the Board of Directors
  • Served as a corporate litigation attorney at an International Law Firm in LA
  • Impacts media, including the force behind the movie Unplanned
  • Supports Pregnancy Help Centers
  • Brings management and compliance skills to:
    o   Pro-life centers
    o   Clinics
    o   Maternity homes
    o   Believes in innovative leadership for the pro-life movement
Language: English

Zonya, RN, BSN

Advisor APR Recommendations:
  • Peri-operative Nursing
  • Pro-life Activist and Educator
  • Licensed Medical Clinic
    o   Nurse Manager/Sonographer
    o   Board Member
  • Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) Team Member
  • Past President of Nurses for Ethical Standards
    o   Promotes Respect for the Sanctity of Life
    o   Conscience Rights of Health Care Providers
  • Adjunct Nursing Professor California College
Languages: English, Spanish

"Do something beautiful for God." 

Mother Teresa

“I wish more people could know what a baby really looks like at 9 weeks, only 9 weeks.” 

Christina – Live Action

“But the fight is not over. There is no right more sacred than life, and nothing more worthy of our strongest defense than the innocent unborn.”

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

“'Nothing can truly prepare you for an abortion, no matter what route you take.’ She is still struggling with having had an abortion and has nightmares about it all the time. She often wonders — what if she hadn’t had the abortion? She would have two children to love now.”

Christina - Live Action

“We are in a battle, one that is not just political, but also spiritual. It’s a fight for the hearts and minds of people.”

Rep. Dr. Ron Bryce, Kansas (R)

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