
Welcome to our download page!
We are excited to offer you a collection of handouts and brochures that you can use to spread the word about abortion pill reversal. These informative materials are designed to make it easy for you to educate others and encourage them to take action. With these handouts, you'll be equipped to educate others, raise awareness, and make a difference in your community. So don't wait – download your free handouts today and start spreading the word!

Tri-fold Brochure

APR trifold brochure

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APR 4-Page Brochure


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“We must do everything possible in a human sense to defend life and restore legal protection to the unborn.”

Knights of Columbus

Together, we’ll reach HER in her moment of need right now with true, compassionate support and lifesaving help that’s available across the country and around the world

Heartbeat International

“As a Church, our responsibility is to surround with love those that might be in a difficult pregnancy and help them choose life.”

Archbishop Joseph Naumann

Jesus said, "...whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 5:19

“The Right to Life is the Lens to view all Issues.”

Bishop Strickland

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

—Winston Churchill

“I wish more people could know what a baby really looks like at 9 weeks, only 9 weeks.” 

Christina – Live Action

“In a partial-birth abortion, a retrievable heart can be found as early as nine weeks gestation. It’s amazing! I have so much respect for development, it’s just incredible.” 

Amna Dermish, Planned Parenthood

These little ones are "tiny human beings deprived of time.” 

Dr. Lejeune

"Abortion is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our generation."

—Dan Steiner, PreBorn

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