Operates a 24/7 Worldwide Bilingual Hotline, 365 days a year
1,100 Operators
Calls are every 76 seconds
More than 4 million contacts to date
Contact by:
Online Center Locator
Enables a woman:
Wherever she is, to be connected to more than 2,200 pregnancy help organizations worldwide
Can mean the difference between life and death when a pregnancy hangs in the balance
Each contact is referred to a Pregnancy Help Center for life-affirming services:
Including pregnancy tests
Material aid
Answers to questions:
About abortion
Abortion pill
Medical referrals
Many other issues
“We must do everything possible in a human sense to defend life and restore legal protection to the unborn.”
Knights of Columbus
“As a mother of a 23-year-old daughter who has Down Syndrome, I see every day the unique value she brings to our family and the positive impact she has on others around her.”
Lynn Murray
“Our waterways continue to be tainted with human remains of babies & traces of these dangerous chemicals (Chemical Abortion Pills)– all while wastewater treatment plants aren’t treating for them!”
Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life
"Babies do not kill dreams; only abortion does that."
Leah Darrow
"Abortion is the worst human rights atrocity in history."
Shawn Carney
“Every 30 seconds a baby’s life is taken by abortion.”
Human Coalition
“God has a plan for our lives, even in the face of unexpected pregnancies. Throughout my life, I have always placed my trust in God.”
Rosanna Barr
“I have a great life. I want every baby with Down syndrome to have the same chance to live and enjoy their life.”
Heidi Crowter, Heartbeat Int
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
—Winston Churchill
These little ones are "tiny human beings deprived of time.”