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Enables a woman:
Wherever she is, to be connected to more than 2,200 pregnancy help organizations worldwide
Can mean the difference between life and death when a pregnancy hangs in the balance
Each contact is referred to a Pregnancy Help Center for life-affirming services:
Including pregnancy tests
Material aid
Answers to questions:
About abortion
Abortion pill
Medical referrals
Many other issues
“Most women attributed a decline in mental health to the abortion they experienced.”
Elliott Institute
“Every 30 seconds a baby’s life is taken by abortion.”
Human Coalition
These little ones are "tiny human beings deprived of time.”
Dr. Lejeune
“We must do everything possible in a human sense to defend life and restore legal protection to the unborn.”
Knights of Columbus
“But the fight is not over. There is no right more sacred than life, and nothing more worthy of our strongest defense than the innocent unborn.”
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds
“There is no better social justice cause to get involved in than saving the lives of Innocent children,”
Bishop David O’Connell
“In our current situation, we choose to pray for the restoration of respect for the sanctity of all human life which is the most urgent need of our day.”
Knights of Columbus
“In a partial-birth abortion, a retrievable heart can be found as early as nine weeks gestation. It’s amazing! I have so much respect for development, it’s just incredible.”
Amna Dermish, Planned Parenthood
“As a Church, our responsibility is to surround with love those that might be in a difficult pregnancy and help them choose life.”
Archbishop Joseph Naumann
The national survey of men found that 71% of men report adverse changes after a partner’s abortion, such as depression, anxiety, and anger.