Heartbeat International Hotline

Heartbeat International Hotline

  • Operates a 24/7 Worldwide Bilingual Hotline, 365 days a year
    • 1,100 Operators
    • Calls are every 76 seconds
    • More than 4 million contacts to date
  • Contact by:
    • Phone
    • Chat
    • Email
    • Text
    • Online Center Locator
  • Enables a woman:
    • Wherever she is, to be connected to more than 2,200 pregnancy help organizations worldwide
    • Can mean the difference between life and death when a pregnancy hangs in the balance
  • Each contact is referred to a Pregnancy Help Center for life-affirming services:
    • Including pregnancy tests
    • Ultrasound
    • Material aid
    • Answers to questions:
      • About abortion
      • Abortion pill
      • Adoption
      • Parenting
      • Medical referrals
      • Housing
      • Many other issues

"For all the thousands that do help mothers and children in need, we need thousands more, millions even. We all share in this ongoing tragedy. We can all share in its resolution."

Lila Rose

These little ones are "tiny human beings deprived of time.” 

Dr. Lejeune

“But the fight is not over. There is no right more sacred than life, and nothing more worthy of our strongest defense than the innocent unborn.”

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds

“After adjusting for other factors, a team of Canadian psychologists found post-abortive women had a 142% higher risk of becoming addicted to alcohol, and 280% greater likelihood of drug dependence attributable to the abortion experience.” 


"Abortion is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our generation."

—Dan Steiner, PreBorn

“I wish more people could know what a baby really looks like at 9 weeks, only 9 weeks.” 

Christina – Live Action

"Every single one of our mothers chose life."

Diego Wendt

“We have to be willing to have hard conversations about an injustice, to demand better, even to take peaceful but forceful action to make society better, even at the cost of our own standing in the community, and possibly even at the risk of our own freedom and safety.”

Lila Rose

Jesus said, "...whoever obeys and teaches these commandments will be called greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 5:19

“In our current situation, we choose to pray for the restoration of respect for the sanctity of all human life which is the most urgent need of our day.”

Knights of Columbus

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