I Saw My Baby

“We are in a battle, one that is not just political, but also spiritual. It’s a fight for the hearts and minds of people.”

Rep. Dr. Ron Bryce, Kansas (R)

“We have to be willing to have hard conversations about an injustice, to demand better, even to take peaceful but forceful action to make society better, even at the cost of our own standing in the community, and possibly even at the risk of our own freedom and safety.”

Lila Rose

“Human life is sacred and inviolable in every dimension and condition.”

Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki

“I wish more people could know what a baby really looks like at 9 weeks, only 9 weeks.” 

Christina – Live Action

There is no better social justice cause to get involved in than saving the lives of Innocent children,” 

Bishop David O’Connell 

The national survey of men found that 71% of men report adverse changes after a partner’s abortion, such as depression, anxiety, and anger.

“In our current situation, we choose to pray for the restoration of respect for the sanctity of all human life which is the most urgent need of our day.”

Knights of Columbus

“As we are taught by Jesus, human life is sacred. God calls us to defend and nurture life from the moment a new human being is conceived.” 

Arch. Timothy Broglio, President, USCCB                                                                                                  

"Babies do not kill dreams; only abortion does that."

Leah Darrow

“We want people to have the fullness of Jesus’ promise, ‘I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.’ John 10:10”

Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer

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