Many women make decisions to abort when they are terrified stressed or forced. We know that many women change their minds about a chemical abortion after taking the first pill.
Have you taken the first dose of the abortion pill? Do you regret your decision and wish you could reverse the effects of the abortion pill? We're here for you!
Support After Abortion, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, works with over 800+ agencies to individualize the care that a person impacted by abortion receives to find the hope and healing they deserve.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
—Winston Churchill
"Abortion is the worst human rights atrocity in history."
Shawn Carney
“We must do everything possible in a human sense to defend life and restore legal protection to the unborn.”
Knights of Columbus
“But the fight is not over. There is no right more sacred than life, and nothing more worthy of our strongest defense than the innocent unborn.”
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds
“After adjusting for other factors, a team of Canadian psychologists found post-abortive women had a 142% higher risk of becoming addicted to alcohol, and 280% greater likelihood of drug dependence attributable to the abortion experience.”
"Abortion is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our generation."
—Dan Steiner, PreBorn
“The abortion pill is not safe, and it will never be medicine. Medicine is meant to heal - not to kill.”
Lila Rose
“Women are not informed how the abortion pill cocktail starves the baby to death by cruelly depriving nutrients to the developing child.”
Lila Rose
“In our current situation, we choose to pray for the restoration of respect for the sanctity of all human life which is the most urgent need of our day.”
Knights of Columbus
“As we are taught by Jesus, human life is sacred. God calls us to defend and nurture life from the moment a new human being is conceived.”