Success Stories

Arrington and Jason

“My favorite thing to do in this world is to be a Father. When Angela decided to reverse her [abortion] decision, I didn’t know how to react. In my retirement speech, I referenced Arrington as the child we didn’t know we needed. She’s been an absolute joy in my life and to our family dynamic. […]

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An APR mom’s grace and courage exemplify hope, inspire others

Ashley Dewart Pregnancy Help News How many of us can truly identify a time in our lives when grace and courage were the only sustaining factors moving us toward the life we were intended to live?  I fear it is a self-reflective moment too many of us miss, but it doesn’t have to be. Our fast-paced, rat-race […]

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Baby Myles Was Saved by a Live Action Video

Pregnant at 16 years old, Veronica rejected abortion & embraced baby Myles' life after discovering Live Action's abortion procedures videos. This is their beautiful story. Courtesy of Live Action

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"Really Thankful" - Maranda's Story

New York welcomes latest abortion pill reversal save Kim Hayes Pregnancy Help News Amid the ever-growing prevalence of chemical abortion, New Hope Family Services has been able to help five women pursue a second chance at life through abortion pill reversal (APR). The Syracuse, N.Y., pregnancy help medical clinic has seen three healthy babies born and two more clients […]

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Mother Changed Her Mind After Taking Abortion Pill and Saved Her Baby’s Life

A Colorado mother cried as she remembered how her heart broke when she swallowed abortion pills to end her unborn son’s life. “I never wanted to take them from the moment I found out about my baby. I loved him with all of my heart. I just thought that him not being with me was the best possible outcome […]

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Dr. Ruberu

Yesterday, a precious baby girl celebrated her one-month birthday--thanks to Dr. Ruberu's intervention. "A scared young girl took an abortion pill," Dr. Ruberu explained. "She later regretted this choice." Dr. Ruberu met the young woman at her office and administered the abortion pill reversal treatment in the middle of the night! A follow-up ultrasound a week […]

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The national survey of men found that 71% of men report adverse changes after a partner’s abortion, such as depression, anxiety, and anger.

Together, we’ll reach HER in her moment of need right now with true, compassionate support and lifesaving help that’s available across the country and around the world

Heartbeat International

There is no better social justice cause to get involved in than saving the lives of Innocent children,” 

Bishop David O’Connell 

“I am pro-life for the most essential reason: That’s a baby in there, a human child.”

Peggy Noonan

“The Right to Life is the Lens to view all Issues.”

Bishop Strickland

“In a partial-birth abortion, a retrievable heart can be found as early as nine weeks gestation. It’s amazing! I have so much respect for development, it’s just incredible.” 

Amna Dermish, Planned Parenthood

“We are in a battle, one that is not just political, but also spiritual. It’s a fight for the hearts and minds of people.”

Rep. Dr. Ron Bryce, Kansas (R)

"Abortion is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our generation."

—Dan Steiner, PreBorn

“Most women attributed a decline in mental health to the abortion they experienced.”

Elliott Institute

“As we are taught by Jesus, human life is sacred. God calls us to defend and nurture life from the moment a new human being is conceived.” 

Arch. Timothy Broglio, President, USCCB                                                                                                  

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