Success Stories

“We are in a battle, one that is not just political, but also spiritual. It’s a fight for the hearts and minds of people.”

Rep. Dr. Ron Bryce, Kansas (R)

“After adjusting for other factors, a team of Canadian psychologists found post-abortive women had a 142% higher risk of becoming addicted to alcohol, and 280% greater likelihood of drug dependence attributable to the abortion experience.” 


“Most women attributed a decline in mental health to the abortion they experienced.”

Elliott Institute

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

—Winston Churchill

“Chemical abortion is an abortion, and it is an incredibly terrifying, isolating, and painful experience, It was a violent, unnatural pain.”

Leslie, told to Live Action

“I am pro-life for the most essential reason: That’s a baby in there, a human child.”

Peggy Noonan

There is no better social justice cause to get involved in than saving the lives of Innocent children,” 

Bishop David O’Connell 

Together, we’ll reach HER in her moment of need right now with true, compassionate support and lifesaving help that’s available across the country and around the world

Heartbeat International

"Abortion is the greatest humanitarian crisis of our generation."

—Dan Steiner, PreBorn

“Fetal development is something the abortion industry wants to be hidden from women so that they are unaware of exactly what the abortion is doing — killing their baby.”

Live Action

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