Viability Ultrasound

Approximately 1 in every 4 pregnancies ends naturally by miscarriage. Want to know more about whether you’re likely to miscarry? The technology exists, you have a right to know, and it’s no cost at any of the locations listed in this directory. All services are at no cost with no further obligation. All services are provided in a strictly confidential, safe, and compassionate environment. Book your private appointment through the website right now or call any center directly.

The locations listed do not provide or refer for abortion or abortion pills. All locations provide limited ultrasounds for women considering pregnancy.

“Miscarriage is the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week. About 10 to 20 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. But the actual number is likely higher because many miscarriages occur so early in pregnancy that a woman doesn’t realize she’s pregnant.” 

-- Mayo Clinic

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“The birth of children, in fact, is the main indicator for measuring the hope of a people”

Pope Francis 

“We must do everything possible in a human sense to defend life and restore legal protection to the unborn.”

Knights of Columbus

"Abortion is the worst human rights atrocity in history."

Shawn Carney

“The idea of abortion as ‘the right to choose’, the choice they’re talking about is that — something so barbaric. They choose this barbarity. There’s a lot of reasons why, and they’re all horrible.”

Rosanna Barr

"Every single one of our mothers chose life."

Diego Wendt

There is no better social justice cause to get involved in than saving the lives of Innocent children,” 

Bishop David O’Connell 

"Do something beautiful for God." 

Mother Teresa

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

—Winston Churchill

“In a partial-birth abortion, a retrievable heart can be found as early as nine weeks gestation. It’s amazing! I have so much respect for development, it’s just incredible.” 

Amna Dermish, Planned Parenthood

“The abortion pill is not safe, and it will never be medicine. Medicine is meant to heal - not to kill.”

Lila Rose

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